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Freenom.com از کسب و کار خارج می شود: در .ML, .Tk, .GQ و . دامنه CF یخ

We already talked about Freenom.com here and it is not a surprise that Freenom.com is (finally) going out of business, after ICANN decided to withdraw their Registrar accreditation. Everyone knows who is responsible of this, and the curse placed on Freenom.com (finally) played out! Unfortunately in yet another blow-up rip-off (which was really Freenom.comsignatureread more »

CloudLinux نمی خواهد به شما خدمت کند

چه مدت باید به طور مناسب به مشتری خود خدمت کنید?.. Back in July 2022 CloudLinux اعلام کرد که از Ubuntu® OS پشتیبانی خواهد کرد. پس 1.5 سالها فکر می کنید که این اعلامیه به خوبی تکمیل خواهد شد… so an AWS EC2 instance was started only to run into this error regarding the kmodlve module: Errors occurred duringread more »

شرکت متا. (سابقا فیسبوک) علیه Freenom شکایت کرد

On March 3rd, 2023: شرکت متا. (سابقا فیسبوک) شکایت علیه Freenom برای نقض علامت تجاری, تسهیل جرایم اینترنتی, تعیین نادرست منشا. This is due to the tsunami of phishing websites using the .TK, .ML, .Gq, .Ga, and .CF ccTLDs. این دادخواست الگویی را برای سوء استفاده از علائم تجاری Fortune 500 با پنهان کردن جزئیات WHOIS نشان می دهد (despiteread more »

بهترین هاست برای لاراول

Laravel needs full control of all PHP settings and parameters. In other words: if your web hosting environment is too restrictive, and Laravel will not run and produce errors such as: or It is extremely important to have an unrestricted web hosting company for your needs. At Quantum Hosting® we thrive at serving you.

خطر 404 صفحه سفارشی

One customer running a single WordPress was using a 4x vCPUs instance on Amazon AWS®. But the CPU and load usage were so high, with no apparent reasons (the number of visitors was reasonable). با این حال: each 404 triggered a huge CPU and bandwidth consumption! A test was conducted and the 404 was replaced by aread more »

کلمه تمام شده است: شرکت‌ها شروع به ترک Amazon AWS® و Google Cloud® کرده‌اند

In a must-read article by David Heinemeier Hansson, the founder of Basecamp explains: Why they’re leaving the cloud. Quantum Hosting® has been very vocal about the so-calledpromise of simplificationwhile Amazon AWS® is blocking the port 25 for any new customerNot having the simple ability to send emails from your own EC2 instanceread more »

کشف بد Amazon AWS®: فروش بیش از حد

This is the CPU monitoring usage on an EC2 instance in Ireland (t3a.xlarge). Two things to notice:-the left graph has an average of 40% of white background (it does not reach the full 400% CPU height)-the left graph has a maximum of 46% CPU steal (which is the red part, and it should not beread more »

سیرک در Amazon AWS® همچنان ادامه دارد!

Amazon AWS® blocks outgoing port 25 on any new EC2® instance, and requires to use Amazon SES®. So you enable Amazon SES® and this is what they reply instantly: In which world emailspermission needs to be granted? Isn’t email a basic internet service? Is it something so spectacular at Amazon AWS®? The idiots thatread more »

محدودیت ها (و خطرات) از YunoHost

YunoHost is a great applications manager! It is not only free but also very fast: in a few clicks you have installed a complete application! It is becoming an increasing competitor to Softaculous and even WHM/cPanel. If you are an application developer: you can reach new customers and new users by deploying your software throughread more »

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