8 dage for Amazon AWS® for at tillade udgående e-mails

Det tog 8 dage for Amazon AWS® for at tillade e-mails at flyde ud af serveren. De ønskede ikke at fjerne blokeringen af ​​havnen 25 og tvang brugen af ​​Amazon SES® på deres nye kunde. Ikke kun det: men det tog 2 dage til at skifte Amazon SES® fra sandkasse til produktion.

De har mere end 100 services and they do not allow one basic service (email) to be available out of the box. Talking about pain relief

At least 4 hours were wasted on this issue, which cannot be billed to the end-customer. Time to send your bills to Amazon AWS® forcase management”?…

Amazon AWS® is the most expensive service out there: bandwidth and storage are hefty. It is time to switch to a low-cost model, as the world is entering in an economic recession: companies will need to cut costs.
