Måned: mai 2022 - bloggen til Quantum Hosting®

Reisen for å stenge en Amazon AWS®-konto

Even if you close your Amazon AWS® account: your EC2 reserved instances will continue to be billed (that is nice!). However you can register as a seller on the Amazon AWS® marketplace to sell your EC2 reserved instances. There is a requirement for this: to enter a US bank account. This can be achievable: especiallyread more »

8 dager for Amazon AWS® for å tillate utgående e-post

It took 8 days for Amazon AWS® to allow emails flowing out of the server. They did not want to unblock the port 25 and forced the usage of Amazon SES® upon their new customer. Not only that: but it took 2 days to switch Amazon SES® from sandbox to production. They have more thanread more »

Det er på tide å forlate Amazon AWS®!

Det er for mye: du tror du liker Amazon AWS® EC2-forekomsten din som du betaler hver time?… Du er ikke: Amazon AWS nekter® å åpne porten 25. Amazon AWS skulle gi produktivitet og tidsgevinster® til sine kunder, nå kaster du bare bort tiden deres. You cannot force your customersread more »
