맞춤 404페이지의 위험

One customer running a single WordPress was using a 4x vCPUs instance on Amazon AWS®. 그러나 CPU 및로드 사용량이 너무 높았습니다, 뚜렷한 이유 없이 (방문객 수는 합리적이었습니다). 하지만: 각 404 엄청난 CPU 및 대역폭 소비를 유발했습니다.! 테스트가 수행되었고 404 was replaced by a flat and tiny 324 bytes HTML file. The result: the instance size could be divided by two, so halving all expenses (including the bandwidth).

When using a custom 404-page: one should not forget that even a simple dead link to an image will trigger an expensive and huge HTML code being returned to the browser, resulting in sluggish speeds for the visitors as well!

즉,: do not do it, even if it looks pretty to the eyes.
