Amazon AWS® 잘못된 검색: 과매도
아일랜드의 EC2 인스턴스에 대한 CPU 모니터링 사용량입니다 (t3a.x라지). 주목해야 할 두 가지 사항:
-the left graph has an average of 40% 흰색 배경의 (그것은 완전에 도달하지 않습니다 400% CPU 높이)
-the left graph has a maximum of 46% CPU 도용 (빨간색 부분입니다, and it should not be above 2%).
전체로: a maximum of 86% CPU power is GONE.
For the avoidance of the doubt: the EC2 instance was stopped and started again around 6:30AM on the left graph, so the instance was running on a new hardware from 6:30AM. This has been done to also rule out any hardware or hypervisor problem (but it did not change anything).
Conclusion: it has been confirmed that Amazon AWS® is overselling its T-family instances since November 2022, confirmed again in March 2023, and in June 2024…