Cara memilih negara menerima tamu Anda

Karena kami menawarkan hosting di 18 Negara, Kami sekarang sering ditanya:

Negara mana yang harus saya pilih untuk menerima tamu?

Meskipun kami tidak dapat menjawabnya untuk kasus Anda, Kami dapat memberi Anda kerangka kerja untuk menemukan jawabannya sendiri.

Ada tiga faktor penting untuk dipahami hari ini:

  • everything is about speed ;
  • Hukum Privasi ;
  • a country is associated with risks.

In general, our best answer is simply:

you have to pick the location which is the closest to your customers

It gets tricky for some people because their business is global. In this case your customers are everywhere in the world. In any case: a majority of your customers should come from one country in particular, and it is this country (or the closest location to that country) that you need to pick. Namun: since your customers are global, you need to alter your website and serve your static scripts using CDN (“Content Delivery Network”). This can only be done once by modifying some code (and it something we would do).

In terms of risks: Japan has obviously natural catastrophe risks (tsunamis, earthquakes, power outage, dll). Brazil on the other hand might have political risks. In our view the safest location in terms of risk is:


And the most risky location is:


Regarding Hukum Privasi: some countries do not allow data to be exported out of their jurisdiction. Sebagai contoh: for business in the EU it is required to be hosted in the EU (and that include backups).

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