کلمه تمام شده است: شرکتها شروع به ترک Amazon AWS® و Google Cloud® کردهاند
در مقاله ای که باید خوانده شود توسط دیوید هاینمایر هانسون, the founder of Basecamp explains: چرا آنها ابر را ترک می کنند؟.
Quantum Hosting® has been very vocal about the so-called “وعده ساده سازی” while Amazon AWS® is blocking the port 25 برای هر مشتری جدید… نداشتن توانایی ساده برای ارسال ایمیل از نمونه EC2 خود (that you pay each minute) is just pure and plain absurdity. This next Amazon AWS® service is better: shut down your screens, and all your IT problems are suddenly solved. 🤡
As the recession is starting to hit companies: it is time to switch to real customer-centric companies at a fair price to reduce expenses. Quantum Hosting® is now offering its service across any provider. Case studies and reviews will be published in the coming months.