這個詞出來了: 公司開始離開亞馬遜 AWS® 和谷歌云®
在大衛·海涅邁爾·漢森(David Heinemeier Hansson)的必讀文章中, the founder of Basecamp explains: 他們為什麼要離開雲.
Quantum Hosting® has been very vocal about the so-called “簡化的承諾” while Amazon AWS® is blocking the port 25 對於任何新客戶… 無法從您自己的 EC2 實體發送電子郵件 (that you pay each minute) is just pure and plain absurdity. This next Amazon AWS® service is better: shut down your screens, and all your IT problems are suddenly solved. 🤡
As the recession is starting to hit companies: it is time to switch to real customer-centric companies at a fair price to reduce expenses. Quantum Hosting® is now offering its service across any provider. Case studies and reviews will be published in the coming months.