
Meje (in nevarnosti) podjetja YunoHost

YunoHost is a great applications manager! It is not only free but also very fast: in a few clicks you have installed a complete application! It is becoming an increasing competitor to Softaculous and even WHM/cPanel. If you are an application developer: you can reach new customers and new users by deploying your software throughPreberi več »

Amazon FBA je še slabši

Amazon je v prostem padu, to ni samo njihova storitev AWS, ampak tudi centralni aparat njihovega prodajalca: Izvolite, podjetje z milijardo dolarjev in ne morejo dati prave povezave: returns: Kaj je treba še povedati?… o ja: traja povprečno 20 days to become aPreberi več »

Pot do zaprtja računa Amazon AWS®

Even if you close your Amazon AWS® account: your EC2 reserved instances will continue to be billed (that is nice!). However you can register as a seller on the Amazon AWS® marketplace to sell your EC2 reserved instances. There is a requirement for this: to enter a US bank account. This can be achievable: especiallyPreberi več »

8 dni, da Amazon AWS® omogoči odhodno e-pošto

It took 8 days for Amazon AWS® to allow emails flowing out of the server. They did not want to unblock the port 25 and forced the usage of Amazon SES® upon their new customer. Not only that: but it took 2 days to switch Amazon SES® from sandbox to production. They have more thanPreberi več »

Čas je, da zapustite Amazon AWS®!

That is too much: you think you enjoy your Amazon AWS® EC2 instance that you are paying each hour?… You are not: Amazon AWS® refuses to open the port 25. Amazon AWS® was supposed to give productivity and time gains to its customers, now you are just wasting their time. You cannot force your customersPreberi več »

Amazon AWS® postaja bolečina

Thanks to our support service many new customers are converted to Amazon AWS® every month. However a new painful feature from Amazon AWS® is to block outgoing port 25 on EC2 instances. This can usually be lifted within 48 hours of completing a request form. Po 3 requests, the same answer came back: “Rejected“, withPreberi več »

Tehnologija blockchain ni nova

People eat myths and lies like never before. You just have to repeat a false mantra one thousand times: once you get the lie spread and being repeated by others you have won. The number one lie about the blockchain technology is that it is new. Yet it is simply a W.O.R.M. database: Write OncePreberi več »

Kako obnoviti domeno iz Freenom®

O Freenom® sem že govoril: če vašo domeno označijo kot GOLJUFIJA in jo prekličejo, to boste videli v WHOIS: Vaše izbrano ime domene je ime domene, ki je bilo preklicano, suspendiran, zavrnjeno ali rezervirano v registru Če poskušate registrirati svojo domeno, bo pisalo “Ni na voljo”…. Preberi več »

Napaka SolusVM IPv6, ki gostujoča podjetja stane milijone

SolusVM is a virtualization software from a company called Plesk. Priljubljena je pri gostiteljskih podjetjih (ker je poceni), and it gives the ability to manage VPS. Običajno ponudba vključuje omejitev pasovne širine (na primer: “1TB/mesečni promet”). Vendar pa obstaja majhna umazana skrivnost, ki je večina gostiteljskih podjetij ne… Preberi več »

Pregled je upravitelj aplikacij, ki gostijo sami. Upravljavci samostojnih aplikacij so v zadnjem času deležni velikega zanimanja. Quantum Hosting® je za vas preizkusil Nameščen je bil na tem strežniku: Namestitev poje ves RAM in izmenjalno datoteko, strežnik pa se med tem ne odziva 8 minut. Ko si povrnete nadzor nad… Preberi več »

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