
關閉 Amazon AWS® 賬戶的過程

即使您關閉了 Amazon AWS® 帳戶: 您的 EC2 預留實例將繼續計費 (那很好!). 但是,您可以在 Amazon AWS® 市場上註冊為賣家,以銷售您的 EC2 預留實例. 這是有要求的: 輸入美國銀行帳戶. 這是可以實現的: 特別是… 閱讀更多 »

8 Amazon AWS® 允許外發電子郵件的天數

It took 8 days for Amazon AWS® to allow emails flowing out of the server. They did not want to unblock the port 25 and forced the usage of Amazon SES® upon their new customer. Not only that: but it took 2 days to switch Amazon SES® from sandbox to production. They have more than閱讀更多 »

是時候離開 Amazon AWS®了!

That is too much: you think you enjoy your Amazon AWS® EC2 instance that you are paying each hour?… You are not: Amazon AWS® refuses to open the port 25. Amazon AWS® was supposed to give productivity and time gains to its customers, now you are just wasting their time. You cannot force your customers閱讀更多 »

亞馬遜 AWS® 正在成為一種痛苦

Thanks to our support service many new customers are converted to Amazon AWS® every month. However a new painful feature from Amazon AWS® is to block outgoing port 25 on EC2 instances. This can usually be lifted within 48 hours of completing a request form. After 3 requests, the same answer came back: “Rejected“, with閱讀更多 »


People eat myths and lies like never before. You just have to repeat a false mantra one thousand times: once you get the lie spread and being repeated by others you have won. The number one lie about the blockchain technology is that it is new. Yet it is simply a W.O.R.M. database: Write Once閱讀更多 »

如何從 Freenom® 恢復域

I have talked already about Freenom® previously: if they mark your domain as FRAUD and cancel it, you will see this in the WHOIS: Your selected domain name is a domain name that has been cancelled, suspended, refused or reserved at the Registry If you try to register your domain it will sayNot available”…. 閱讀更多 »

SolusVM IPv6 漏洞讓託管公司損失數百萬美元

SolusVM is a virtualization software from a company called Plesk. It is popular with hosting companies (because it is cheap), and it gives the ability to manage VPS. Typically an offer will include a limit on the bandwidth (for example: “1TB/month traffic”). However there is a little dirty secret that most hosting companies do not閱讀更多 »

對 sandstorm.io 的評論

Sandstorm.io is a manager of self-hosted applications. Managers of self-hosted applications are getting a huge interest lately. Quantum Hosting® has tried sandstorm.io for you. It was installed on this server: The installation is eating all the RAM and swap file and the server is not responding during 8 minutes. Once you recover control of the閱讀更多 »


Binance.com 是一個非常有爭議的業務: 對某些人來說是騙局, 或其他人最好的加密貨幣交易平台. 但是 Binance.com 的服務器在哪裡?… 他們的域名給那些NS服務器 (截至今日): They are using Amazon AWS Route 53 服務! 返回的 IP 地址是 (截至今日): Those IP addresses閱讀更多 »

如何減少您的 AWS 賬單 20% 即刻

AWS announced back in December 2020 that they have a new SSD type of drive for EBS (Elastic Block Storage) called: gp3. You can cut your EBS bill by 20% if you are currently using the gp2 type. The magnetic type still remains the cheapest. Transition is easy and without any downtime. If you have閱讀更多 »
