
Hvor er serverne til plassert? er en veldig kontroversiell virksomhet: en svindel for noen, eller den beste handelsplattformen for kryptovalutaer for andre. Men hvor er serverne til plassert?… Domenenavnet deres gir disse NS-serverne (per i dag): They are using Amazon AWS Route 53 service! IP-adressene som returneres er (per i dag): Those IP addressesread more »

Hvordan redusere AWS-regningen med 20% umiddelbart

AWS announced back in December 2020 that they have a new SSD type of drive for EBS (Elastic Block Storage) called: gp3. You can cut your EBS bill by 20% if you are currently using the gp2 type. The magnetic type still remains the cheapest. Transition is easy and without any downtime. If you haveread more »

Hvordan fjerne et nettsted fra Google? Og hvor lang tid tar det?

Når du har en privat nettside som ikke skal være i Google’ Søkeresultater: du må sannsynligvis fjerne den fra indeksen. Det er to metoder for å fjerne et nettsted: Metode #1: Legg til «noindex» on each page and wait for Google to crawl the website back! Med denne metoden: det tar 2 to 6read more »

CloudFlare®-brudd: løsninger og alternativer

Too big to fail does not apply in the world of servers. Regardless of your provider you need to have redundancy to achieve 100% uptime. It is all about avoiding the single point of failure. CloudFlare® is down?! It’s impossible! The outage has been a reality for many during half an hour. If you runread more »

Godt nytt år 2020, og Good Bye Google!

For the start of this decade: it has been decided to remove all of our Google Cloud offers. There is a lot to say, so let’s start! Google Cloud is not user-centric: their Abuse department just deletes data of customers without prior notice (Google Team/Shared Drives). The goal of Google’s Abuse department is precisely toread more »

VPS horror stories

Story A: Customer thinks he has found an unmetered or unlimited bandwidth VPS offer, however within less than a month: the bad VPS provider closes his account and deletes his datafor «bandwidth abuse». Story B: Black Friday is great, with many sales everywhere. Customer signs-up and notices that the performance of the VPS are veryread more »

Du kommer til å miste dataene dine en eller annen dag!

It gets easier and easier to create and keep data, but it is always easy to lose data. In fact: some historians believe that this current digital age will make it more difficult to conduct research and find documents because destruction or data loss is so widespread. When you use a traditional hosting company (notread more »
