Month: Maijs 2019 - Quantum Hosting® emuārs

Kā WordPress nogalināja atvērtā koda lietojumprogrammas

Nesen tika pārskatīta OpenSource lietojumprogramma attēlu galerijai, un labākais bija vienkārši: WordPress spraudnis! WordPress nogalināja visas atvērtā pirmkoda lietojumprogrammas. Vai precīzāk: WordPress sniedza minimālo ietvaru jaunām lietojumprogrammām. Tātad, ja jūs meklējat ne tik sarežģītu lietojumprogrammu: nemeklējiet tālāk par WordPress spraudni!

Nespēja pārdot: kad serveris nokrīt

There are still so many websites going down because they have a high influx of visitors at once: an agency fails to provide results to exam takers 2020 Tokyo Olympic games ticket sale There is nothing to be ashamed of, even the biggest player crashed too! The ability to plan and scale in advance isread more »

How to pick the country of your hosting

Because we are offering hosting in 18 countries, we are now often asked: Which country should I pick for my hosting?… While we cannot answer it for your case, we can give you the framework to find an answer yourself. There are three important factors to understand today: everything is about speed ; privacy lawsread more »
