The SolusVM IPv6 bug that is costing hosting companies millions

SolusVM is a virtualization software from a company called Plesk. यह होस्टिंग कंपनियों के बीच लोकप्रिय है (क्योंकि यह सस्ता है), and it gives the ability to manage VPS. आमतौर पर किसी ऑफ़र में बैंडविड्थ की सीमा शामिल होगी (उदाहरण के लिए: “1टीबी/माह यातायात”).

However there is a little dirty secret that most hosting companies do not know: में 97% of the node configurations, the IPv6 traffic is unaccounted for! Thus the VPS has an unlimited bandwidth allowance when sending or receiving traffic when using IPv6.

Enjoy unlimited IPv6 traffic today!
