Switch from old T2 instances to T3 or T3A instances is possible!

Switching from an old T2 instance to a T3 or T3A instance will lower the costs by 7% à 12%.


if you have an old T2 instance you cannot switch to a T3 or T3A instance without a migration

Documentation AWS

that is: create a new instance and migrate your data over there. This is a real headache for the server configuration and settings. Trying to do so usually result in the following error:

Error launching source instance: InvalidParameterCombination: Enhanced networking with the Elastic Network Adapter (ENA) is required for thet3.largeinstance type. Ensure that you are using an AMI that is enabled for ENA.

However we have found out a way to patch any T2 instance AMI and convert it to a T3 or T3A instance. It will work with any instance running CentOS (including WHM®/cPanel®). Contact us if you need such job done! A flat fee per instance will apply.

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