الشهر: مايو 2019 - مدونة Quantum Hosting®

كيف قتل ووردبريس التطبيقات مفتوحة المصدر

Recently OpenSource application for Images Gallery was reviewed, and the best one was simply: a WordPress plugin! WordPress killed all open source applications. Or more precisely: WordPress gave the minimum framework for new applications. So if you are looking for a not so sophisticated application: look no further than a WordPress plugin!

عدم البيع: عندما يتعطل الخادم الخاص بك

لا يزال هناك الكثير من مواقع الويب التي تنخفض لأن لديها تدفق كبير من الزوار في وقت واحد: فشل الوكالة في تقديم النتائج للمتقدمين للامتحان 2020 Tokyo Olympic games ticket sale There is nothing to be ashamed of, حتى أكبر لاعب تحطمت أيضا! The ability to plan and scale in advance isread more »

كيفية اختيار بلد الاستضافة الخاص بك

Because we are offering hosting in 18 countries, we are now often asked: Which country should I pick for my hosting?… While we cannot answer it for your case, we can give you the framework to find an answer yourself. There are three important factors to understand today: everything is about speed ; privacy lawsread more »

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