Binance.com的服務器在哪裡? 是一個非常有爭議的業務: 對某些人來說是騙局, 或其他人最好的加密貨幣交易平台. 但是 的服務器在哪裡?… 他們的域名給那些NS服務器 (截至今日): They are using Amazon AWS Route 53 服務! 返回的 IP 地址是 (截至今日): Those IP addresses… 閱讀更多 » 是一個非常有爭議的業務: 對某些人來說是騙局, 或其他人最好的加密貨幣交易平台. 但是 的服務器在哪裡?… 他們的域名給那些NS服務器 (截至今日): They are using Amazon AWS Route 53 服務! 返回的 IP 地址是 (截至今日): Those IP addresses… 閱讀更多 »
AWS announced back in December 2020 that they have a new SSD type of drive for EBS (Elastic Block Storage) called: gp3. You can cut your EBS bill by 20% if you are currently using the gp2 type. The magnetic type still remains the cheapest. Transition is easy and without any downtime. If you have… 閱讀更多 »
When you have a private website that should not be in Google’ search results: you probably need to remove it from the index. There are two methods to remove a website: Method #1: add “noindex” on each page and wait for Google to crawl the website back! With this method: it takes 2 to 6… 閱讀更多 »
Too big to fail does not apply in the world of servers. Regardless of your provider you need to have redundancy to achieve 100% uptime. It is all about avoiding the single point of failure. CloudFlare® is down?! It’s impossible! The outage has been a reality for many during half an hour. If you run… 閱讀更多 »
AWS® Transfer Family is the new service from Amazon AWS® to access S3® via FTP, FTPS and SFTP. Unfortunately the cost per month for the 3 protocols is over US$600 per month… Plus: additional upload and download costs arenot included! Do not use AWS Transfer Family! Says Quantum Hosting® There are many gateways alternative starting… 閱讀更多 »
There are still a lot of webhosting providers out there offering unlimited disk space… But disk space is very costly and there is an underlying media that stores it. It simple to understand that the disk space costs are proprotional to its amount: The more disk space you use, the higher your costs are. Logic… 閱讀更多 »
The price of the .COM domain names is due to increase +55% 在 2021. You should really renew early adding 8 或 9 years at the current price to save! Transfer to us today to beat the price increase!
For the start of this decade: it has been decided to remove all of our Google Cloud offers. There is a lot to say, so let’s start! Google Cloud is not user-centric: their Abuse department just deletes data of customers without prior notice (Google Team/Shared Drives). The goal of Google’s Abuse department is precisely to… 閱讀更多 »
Story A: Customer thinks he has found an unmetered or unlimited bandwidth VPS offer, however within less than a month: the bad VPS provider closes his account and deletes his data…for “bandwidth abuse”. Story B: Black Friday is great, with many sales everywhere. Customer signs-up and notices that the performance of the VPS are very… 閱讀更多 »
創建和保存數據變得越來越容易, 但總是很容易丟失數據. 事實上: 一些歷史學家認為,當前的數字時代將使進行研究和查找檔變得更加困難,因為破壞或數據丟失非常普遍. 當您使用傳統託管公司時 (not… 閱讀更多 »