Sarkas di Amazon AWS® diteruskan!

Amazon AWS® menyekat pelabuhan keluar 25 pada mana-mana contoh EC2® baharu, dan perlu menggunakan Amazon SES®. Oleh itu, anda membolehkan Amazon SES® dan inilah yang mereka balas dengan serta-merta:


Thank you for submitting your request to increase your sending limits. We are unable to grant your request at this time because we do not have enough information about your use case.

If you can provide additional information about how you plan to use Amazon SES, we may be able to grant your request. In your response, include as much detail as you can about your email-sending processes and procedures.

For example, tell us how often you send email, how you maintain your recipient lists, and how you manage bounces, complaints, and unsubscribe requests. It is also helpful to provide examples of the email you plan to send so we can ensure that you are sending high-quality content.

You can provide this information by replying to the correspondence, in the console link below. Our team provides an initial response to your request within 24 hours. If we’re able to do so, we'll grant your request within this 24-hour period. However, if we need to obtain additional information from you, it might take longer to resolve your request.

Thank you for contacting Amazon Web Services.

Di mana e-mel dunia’ kebenaran perlu diberikan? Bukankah e-mel perkhidmatan internet asas? Adakah ia sesuatu yang begitu hebat di Amazon AWS®?

Orang bodoh yang membayar perkhidmatan setiap jam perlu sedar bahawa Amazon AWS® berada di atas awan untuk e-mel.

Kemaskini terakhir:

Ia mengambil masa 3 hari untuk AWS mengaktifkan perkhidmatan SES®®!

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