Month: 7 -р сар 2019 - Quantum Hosting® блог

Happy Birthday!

We are one year old! Happy Birthday! And thank you to all of our customers for this past year of business.

The path to the perfect support

For most people: hosting is not a service, it is a burden. By order of priority, the best hosting: does not require any action from them (no need for support) is cheap is fast This is why we are keeping the human interaction with the customers to a minimum, whether they have a shared hostingread more »

WHM®/cPanel® лицензийн шинэ үнэ

Вэб байршуулах салбар энэ тухай долоо хоногоос л хойш ярьж байна! WHM®/cPanel® announced with immediate effect the following: no more yearly license any server having over 100 cPanel дансууд нь сард 0.20 долларын нэмэлт хураамж авна, эсвэл 2.40 ам.доллар/жил/данс. This does not affect any web hosting provider having an account density of less than 100read more »

Хажуугийн мөр