關閉 Amazon AWS® 賬戶的過程
行進 13, 2023
即使您關閉了 Amazon AWS® 帳戶: 您的 EC2 預留實例將繼續計費 (那很好!). 但是,您可以在 Amazon AWS® 市場上註冊為賣家,以銷售您的 EC2 預留實例. 這是有要求的: 輸入美國銀行帳戶. 這是可以實現的: 特別是… 閱讀更多 »
即使您關閉了 Amazon AWS® 帳戶: 您的 EC2 預留實例將繼續計費 (那很好!). 但是,您可以在 Amazon AWS® 市場上註冊為賣家,以銷售您的 EC2 預留實例. 這是有要求的: 輸入美國銀行帳戶. 這是可以實現的: 特別是… 閱讀更多 »
It took 8 days for Amazon AWS® to allow emails flowing out of the server. They did not want to unblock the port 25 and forced the usage of Amazon SES® upon their new customer. Not only that: but it took 2 days to switch Amazon SES® from sandbox to production. They have more than… 閱讀更多 »
That is too much: you think you enjoy your Amazon AWS® EC2 instance that you are paying each hour?… You are not: Amazon AWS® refuses to open the port 25. Amazon AWS® was supposed to give productivity and time gains to its customers, now you are just wasting their time. You cannot force your customers… 閱讀更多 »