
Kako zmanjšati svoj račun AWS za 20% takoj

AWS je napovedal že decembra 2020 da imajo nov tip pogona SSD za EBS (Elastični blok za shranjevanje) poklical: gp3. Račun EBS lahko zmanjšate tako 20% če trenutno uporabljate vrsto gp2. Magnetni tip še vedno ostaja najcenejši. Prehod je enostaven in brez zastojev. Če imate… Preberi več »

Kako odstraniti spletno mesto iz Googla? In koliko časa traja?

Ko imate zasebno spletno mesto, ki ne bi smelo biti v Googlu’ Rezultati iskanja: verjetno ga morate odstraniti iz indeksa. Obstajata dva načina za odstranitev spletnega mesta: Metoda #1: dodaj “noindex” na vsaki strani in počakajte, da Google preišče spletno mesto nazaj! S to metodo: vzame 2 do 6… Preberi več »

Izpad CloudFlare®: rešitve in alternative

Prevelika za neuspeh ne velja v svetu strežnikov. Ne glede na vašega ponudnika morate imeti redundanco, da jo dosežete 100% čas delovanja. Gre za izogibanje eni sami točki neuspeha. CloudFlare® ne deluje?! To je nemogoče! Izpad je bil za mnoge realnost že pol ure. Če tečeš… Preberi več »

Happy New Year 2020, and Good Bye Google!

For the start of this decade: it has been decided to remove all of our Google Cloud offers. There is a lot to say, so let’s start! Google Cloud is not user-centric: their Abuse department just deletes data of customers without prior notice (Google Team/Shared Drives). The goal of Google’s Abuse department is precisely toPreberi več »

VPS horror stories

Story A: Customer thinks he has found an unmetered or unlimited bandwidth VPS offer, however within less than a month: the bad VPS provider closes his account and deletes his dataforbandwidth abuse”. Story B: Black Friday is great, with many sales everywhere. Customer signs-up and notices that the performance of the VPS are veryPreberi več »

You are going to lose your data one day or another!

It gets easier and easier to create and keep data, but it is always easy to lose data. In fact: some historians believe that this current digital age will make it more difficult to conduct research and find documents because destruction or data loss is so widespread. When you use a traditional hosting company (notPreberi več »

How to search within the list of already registered domains?

If you are monitoring your trademark or if you want to know which domains are using the wordquantum”: Google is useless. There are a couple of tools for this: With DNSlytics you can search up to a 15 characters word With DNpedia you have access to the full list without limitation By the endPreberi več »

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