اڻ سريل

ڪٿي آهن Binance.com جا سرور واقع آهن?

Binance.com هڪ تمام تڪراري ڪاروبار آهي: ڪجهه لاء هڪ اسڪيم, يا cryين لاءِ بهترين crypto-currencies واپاري پليٽ فارم. پر ڪٿي آهن Binance.com جا سرور واقع آهن?… انھن جو ڊومين نالو انھن NS سرورز کي ڏئي ٿو (ا today تائين): They are using Amazon AWS Route 53 خدمت! واپس ڪيل IP پتا آھن (ا today تائين): Those IP addressesread more »

CloudFlare® بندش: حل ۽ متبادل

Too big to fail does not apply in the world of servers. Regardless of your provider you need to have redundancy to achieve 100% uptime. It is all about avoiding the single point of failure. CloudFlare® is down?! It’s impossible! The outage has been a reality for many during half an hour. If you runread more »

AWS® ٽرانسفر فيملي استعمال نه ڪندي هر مهيني 600 آمريڪي ڊالر کان و saveيڪ ڪيئن بچائجي?

AWS® Transfer Family is the new service from Amazon AWS® to access S3® via FTP, FTPS and SFTP. Unfortunately the cost per month for the 3 protocols is over US$600 per monthPlus: additional upload and download costs arenot included! Do not use AWS Transfer Family! Says Quantum Hosting® There are many gateways alternative startingread more »

Happy New Year 2020, and Good Bye Google!

For the start of this decade: it has been decided to remove all of our Google Cloud offers. There is a lot to say, so let’s start! Google Cloud is not user-centric: their Abuse department just deletes data of customers without prior notice (Google Team/Shared Drives). The goal of Google’s Abuse department is precisely toread more »

VPS horror stories

Story A: Customer thinks he has found an unmetered or unlimited bandwidth VPS offer, however within less than a month: the bad VPS provider closes his account and deletes his dataforbandwidth abuse”. Story B: Black Friday is great, with many sales everywhere. Customer signs-up and notices that the performance of the VPS are veryread more »

You are going to lose your data one day or another!

It gets easier and easier to create and keep data, but it is always easy to lose data. In fact: some historians believe that this current digital age will make it more difficult to conduct research and find documents because destruction or data loss is so widespread. When you use a traditional hosting company (notread more »
