Серверы, которые нельзя масштабировать

Большинство хостинговых компаний (Старое поколение) продают веру в то, что их клиенты могут обновить свой тарифный план в любой момент. Однако, если задуматься: Это невозможно, потому что, когда сервер собран или собран, Он имеет определенную вместимость и предел. Usually the hosting companies just load up customers until the server reaches that capacity.

If you have a website that is running for the last 2 годы, and you have now reached a point of popularity from which you need more resources, you will probably just overload your current server even more: the billing will certainly increase when you upgrade, but not the server resources.

There is only one solution to this: it is cloud hosting. This new generation of hosting is a revolution. It brings the ability to upgrade all resources of a server: memory, disk and CPU. With just a single reboot: you have just upgraded your server. No more overload. No more migration.

The market is catching up with this. Do not delay on making the switch: if you don’t, your competitors will it before you.

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