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Le nouveau format d’image: Le WebP

A customer just deployed the new image format: Le WebP. Unfortunately: it is not supported by many browsers (à ce jour), including the Apple desktops & devices using Safari. While the savings of file size is more than 20% against TinyPNG, the backward compatibility is really more important. So we will have have to wait some moreLire la suite »

Il y a 1,578 Domaines de premier niveau

Il est temps de parler de nom de domaine. Les données ici sont correctes à ce jour: 19 Octobre 2018. Le nombre de domaines de premier niveau ne cesse de croître d’année en année. Il y a 1,578 Domaines de premier niveau, duquel 312 sont pays-code. Au sein de ces 312 codes de pays, 19 of them are considered generic by Google: .ad .as .bz .ccLire la suite »

Le prix des licences WHM/cPanel doit être le même

The price of a cPanel license for a dedicated server is more than twice of that virtual server. While this price difference cannot be explained (it could be for the support of the non standard hardware?), some hosting companies have noticed this and to lower their cost they are installing a virtualization layer on theirLire la suite »

Héberger une histoire d'horreur

It is always easy to find a cheaper hosting company, but there is a ceiling to how low it can go before compromising either: the uptime or your data. This is a TRUE story. Recently a (very cheap) hosting company had a disk crash: the server was offline for 6 days to go through theLire la suite »

Couche de sockets sécurisés (SSL) les certificats sont gratuits

Il est assez étonnant que certains (beaucoup?) les sociétés d'hébergement facturent toujours Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificats, whereas those are now free: either with WHM/cPanel using Lets Encrypt (et le renouvellement sont gratuits & automatique!) or using a third party like SSL For Free. The word needs to go out that SSL is not anLire la suite »

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