Måned: april 2019 - bloggen for Quantum Hosting®

18 Lande til din hosting

With cloud hosting it is now easy to pick the country of your server! We are currently offering 18 countries: Ireland Germany France The Netherlands The United Kingdom Switzerland Belgium Finland Canada The USA Brazil India Hong Kong Japan Korea Taiwan Singapore Australia

CloudLinux OS er for langsomt

CloudLinux OS er blevet opfundet for at drosle (ned) Hastigheden på en server, ved at begrænse det maksimale CPU-beløb, som en konto kan bruge. Dette var relevant før (når PHP-FPM ikke eksisterede) Men i dag blev det helt ubrugeligt. Samlet set er det endnu værre: the CPU time used by CloudLinux OS is even slowing downLæs mere »

Bliv dit eget hostingfirma

Recently we advised a customer whom was paying US$600 per month for: a server hosting 1 single website (although very popular), and a newsletter with 50,000 subscribers. This was a huge amount: US$7,200 per year! Our solution was very simple: the customer had to sign-up to a cloud provider (Amazon AWS® or Google Cloud™) og… Læs mere »
