Month: 十一月 2021 - Quantum Hosting® 的博客


People eat myths and lies like never before. You just have to repeat a false mantra one thousand times: once you get the lie spread and being repeated by others you have won. The number one lie about the blockchain technology is that it is new. Yet it is simply a W.O.R.M. database: Write Once閱讀更多 »

如何從 Freenom® 恢復域

I have talked already about Freenom® previously: if they mark your domain as FRAUD and cancel it, 您將在 WHOIS 中看到這一點: 您選擇的功能變數名稱是已取消的功能變數名稱, 暫停, refused or reserved at the Registry If you try to register your domain it will say “不可用”…. 閱讀更多 »
