
Missä -palvelimet sijaitsevat? is a very controversial business: a scam for some, or the best crypto-currencies trading platform for others. But where are the servers of located?… Their domain name gives those NS servers (as of today): They are using Amazon AWS Route 53 service! The IP addresses returned are (as of today): Those IP addressesLue lisää »

Kuinka pienentää AWS -laskuasi 20% heti

AWS announced back in December 2020 that they have a new SSD type of drive for EBS (Elastic Block Storage) called: gp3. You can cut your EBS bill by 20% if you are currently using the gp2 type. The magnetic type still remains the cheapest. Transition is easy and without any downtime. If you haveLue lisää »

CloudFlare® -katkos: ratkaisuja ja vaihtoehtoja

Too big to fail does not apply in the world of servers. Regardless of your provider you need to have redundancy to achieve 100% uptime. It is all about avoiding the single point of failure. CloudFlare® is down?! It’s impossible! The outage has been a reality for many during half an hour. If you runLue lisää »

Hyvää uutta vuotta 2020, ja hyvästi Google!

Tämän vuosikymmenen alkuun: kaikki Google Cloud -tarjouksemme on päätetty poistaa. Sanottavaa on paljon, Joten aloitetaan! Google Cloud ei ole käyttäjäkeskeinen: heidän väärinkäyttöosastonsa vain poistaa asiakkaiden tiedot ilman ennakkoilmoitusta (Google-tiimi/jaetut asemat). Googlen väärinkäyttöosaston tavoitteena on nimenomaan… Lue lisää »

VPS horror stories

Story A: Customer thinks he has found an unmetered or unlimited bandwidth VPS offer, however within less than a month: the bad VPS provider closes his account and deletes his data…varten “bandwidth abuse”. Story B: Black Friday is great, with many sales everywhere. Customer signs-up and notices that the performance of the VPS are veryLue lisää »

You are going to lose your data one day or another!

It gets easier and easier to create and keep data, but it is always easy to lose data. In fact: some historians believe that this current digital age will make it more difficult to conduct research and find documents because destruction or data loss is so widespread. When you use a traditional hosting company (notLue lisää »
